Monday, December 30, 2019

J.D. Salingers Catcher In The Rye and Burr Steers Igby...

Comparative Essay The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger and Igby Goes Down by Burr Steers are both displayed as rites of passage texts. The respective protagonists of these two texts are Igby Slocumb and Holden Caulfield. These two characters are both on a journey motif, a journey of self discovery in which they both attempt to find meaning in life and understand societies values and attitudes. The two protagonists demonstrate non-conformity and rebel against the apparent hypocrisy present in their respective societies. Hypocrisy can be defined as the difference between illusion and reality, in accordance to society it can be seen as people who are not who they appear to be, people who apply a faà §ade. This hypocrisy is present in†¦show more content†¦Its awful. If Im on my way to the store to buy a magazine, even, and somebody asks me where Im going, Im liable to say Im going to the opera. Its terrible.† By Holden admitting to his lying habits, he provides the responder with reason to believe that he applies a faà §ade by expressing false pretences. This quotation also provides the audience with reason to think that Holden is not mentally healthy; this literary technique is called foreshadowing. The rebellious attitudes demonstrated by both Holden and Igby represent their attitudes to the concept of hypocrisy. Igby and Holden have similar values and beliefs which reject this idea of illuding reality. Holden rejects all materialistic value and success which corroborates with Igby’s attitudes in rejecting the American Dream in which his Godfather, D.H., has achieved. Neither of these two characters view, so called success, the way that the rest of society does. Another aspect of the respective texts is how the two protagonists display their individuality in order to separate themselves from everyone else, they desire to be unique. This perception of reality is articulated through the symbolism in The Catcher In The Rye and the wardrobe and lighting features utilised throughout the movie Igby Goes Down. Holden’s red hunting hat becomes inseparable from the image of Holden. This hat is perceived as a symbol of his uniqueness and personality. The hat is outlandish, and it shows that Holden desires to

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Civil Rights Movement And Its Impact On Gender...

First of all, I believe the answer would be different if I interviewed a different person. People who are knowledgeable and open minded would have different way of thinking than those who have limited vision of life. One of things that I have been trying to get answers of, is the Civil Rights Movement and its impact on gender discrimination. Based on my very limited experience and as I know from Gerontology class, my interviewee seems to have a successful aging. Successful aging means more than aging without disease. Rowe and Kahn (1998, p. 38) define successful aging as the ability to maintain (1) a â€Å"low risk of disease and disease related disability,† (2) â€Å"high mental and physical function,† and (3) â€Å"active engagement with life.† My interviewee does not have chronic diseases which effects on her productivity. She also has high mental and physical function and she still very active in society. She still goes to school two days a week to takes clas ses. Also, approximately 80 percent of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and approximately 60-65 percent have two or more conditions (Vogeli, et al., 2007; Wolff, Starfield, Anderson, 2002). As well, all five senses change with age. Some senses show more dramatic change than others. Changes in sight and hearing have the greatest effect on a person’s ability to function in later life. Changes in vision can begin as early as age 30. By age 55, most people need glasses for reading. With age, the eyes produceShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of The Civil Rights Movement1179 Words   |  5 Pagesbreak down the walls of discrimination and segregations. Out of the numerous elements that arose in the 1960s, there are three movements that truly affected the American society. Firstly, the rise of the civil rights movement was greatly influenced by racial discrimination of colored people in the South. Secondly, the women’s movement aimed to convince the society that women are capable of achieving and maintaining higher waged job like males. Lastly, the gay rights movement aimed to gain acceptanceRead MoreCultural Impacts of the Civil Rights Act1357 Words   |  6 Pages†Å"Cultural Impacts of the Civil Rights Act† Abstract Cultural Impacts of the Civil Rights Act Until the eighteenth century Civil Rights and Liberty’s were taken advantage of as a American. Observation in our judicial system cited within the paper suggest that our civil rights in America has improved and continue to evolve to this day. Cultural Impacts of American Civil Rights laws In recent years, a great deal has gone into fair treatment of all. As history serves, thereRead MoreGender Equality : A Fundamental Principle Of International Human Rights1229 Words   |  5 PagesGender equality is a basic human right. Yet millions of women around the world continue to experience discrimination. Some laws prohibit women to access housing, land, and property. â€Å"Economic and social discrimination results in fewer and poorer life choices for women, rendering them vulnerable to trafficking† (Women’s Human Rights and Gender Equality). 30% of women globally is affected by gender-based violence. Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunitiesRead MoreFirst Wave Feminism By Betty Friedan1171 Words   |  5 PagesBackground Knowledge: Second-wave feminism refers to the period of feminist activity that focused on social and legal issues of gender equality such as sexuality, family, the workplace, reproductive rights and equal opportunity in education and the workplace. Source 1: The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan In 1963, Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique was published. Friedan discussed the problem that â€Å"lay buried, unspoken† in the minds of the suburban housewife, saying that they were too sociallyRead MoreOrigin of the Civil Rights Movement1157 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Civil Rights To obtain access to basic privileges and the rights to U.S. citizenship for African Americans mass popular movements or civil rights movement took place. Civil rights movements began in 19th century, but it reached its peak in 1950s and 1960s. At both local and national levels movements are led by both African Americans and the whites. These people raised their appeals without any violence but with negotiations and legal means. The student movement of 1960s and the modern womenRead MoreDiscrimination And Prejudice And Discrimination Essay1672 Words   |  7 Pagesreason. Prejudice and discrimination are two very different things, prejudice is the unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of their race, sex religion, etc. Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. It can occur anywhere, in the workplace, shops, restaurants, schools or just walking down the street. On e of the most common forms of discrimination of gender. Gender is the behavioralRead MoreWhat Caused The Rise Of Protesters Throughout The 1960s? Essay1448 Words   |  6 PagesThe 1960s in the United States of America was an era of protests. Americans from the 1960s era experienced social changes that caused Americans to revolt of the Establishment of the 1950s. Racial discrimination, gender equality, and poverty are certain specific of the problems that Americans sought the need to identify of what caused the rise of protesters throughout the 1960s. The youth generation from the era â€Å"baby boomers† were the causes for the determination for the 1960s. The parents of theRead MoreBenefits Of Equal Employment Opportunity1660 Words   |  7 Pagesto a historical movement (â€Å"The Law.† n.d.). Quickly following the Executive Orders was the Equal Pay Act of 1963. This act makes it â€Å"illegal to discriminate against people in terms of the pay, employee benefits , and pension they earn based on their gender when they do equal work† (Snell Bohlander, 2013). Although some would argue that there is still a wage and benefit gap between genders, the gap now is very small compared to the conditions before 1963. In 1964, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 wasRead MoreThe Civil Rights Activist Malcolm X1631 Words   |  7 Pagesvery big concept for the Civil Rights Activist. The future was always something the Civil Rights Activist wanted to concur by making equal rights for people of all races, and gender. They conquered the future by getting the Jim Crow laws abolished,and many other things like the end of discrimination. To some, the 1960’s was the golden era for Civil Rights because of events like Bloody Sunday,and the Greensboro sit-ins. These movements, and many others, led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. However, manyRead MoreTrans And Transgender : An Umbrella Term931 Words   |  4 Pageswith the gender that they were born. It encompasses all people who do not fit into a binary conception of gender identity or expression. It is a group with diverse identities and expressions, and that differ from stereotypical gender norms. Some transgender choose to modify their bodies to varyin g degrees, whether through surgeries, or hormone therapies, while others choose to live without surgical intervention, and change their body and behavior in other ways, and live as their chosen gender (Houghtaling

Friday, December 13, 2019

Zaahir Free Essays

Screen Narrative analysis Breaking down terms story- a chronological set of events. plot- he selection and oddering of those events. narrative- the way the events tell the story. We will write a custom essay sample on Zaahir or any similar topic only for you Order Now non linear- narrative: a narrative that does not tell the story digests, anything the character can experience. basic three act narrative structure. the basic 3 act narrative structure has been used for centuries in plays, books, act one – set up introduced to character and digests , understand world in story. catalyst -turning point between act one when things change act two- -turning point between act two-when things change ostly taken up development, end of act two second turning point, absolutely bad. act three climax -battle of some sort. Resolution, very short and sweet. christopher vgler theorized the narrative by breaking down the 3 acts more specifically into 12 steps more specifically into the heroes journey. oglers character achetypes/ 1. hero 2. mentor 3. threshold guardian, bad but good. 4. herald, gives the news to the group 5 subtypes of archetype hero.. -willing or unwilling -anti-hero, doesn’t want to be a hero -group orientated hero, leads group -lone r hero , alone -catalyst hero. mentor †¦ agical/mythic – gandalf etc. gift giving teaching- teachers hero inventing and intiating- doc from back to the future. falling hero- failed first now mentoring. character archetypes propps. the villain the donor the magical helper he princess of prize her father the dispatcher depending on the text vogel might be more fit, or prop. prop is more for fantasy and fairy tail stories. conflict – the recurring character. character against nature or god, character against fate agains society society agains society character against them selves. character vs character harry vs voldermort cahracter vs nature he day after tomorrow. character vs fate – inevitable or uncontrollable problem the matrix, neo fulfilling his/her destiny character vs society main character vs larger group, a community, society eg. boys don’t cry. character versus self inner conflict society vs society one grow vs another group eg. river queen. maori vs british society vs society is just one element vs another element usually good vs evil. leading on to the the next analytical level in each of these cases (across time and genres) the character snow white is the personification of moral good because dh is represented as such. us as the queen as the personification of evil. what does representation mean representation – noun – 16 version with regards to film analysis; representation is the o screen depiction why learn about representation because screen representation portraits aspects of the real world what is an ideology ideologies are a set of ideas or values we live by. each person can have more than one ideology differing ideologies can cause create conflict. ideology wthin film narrative the narrative of a film presertnd the ideologies of the original writer, director and producer . ace representation. represents people in specific or racial background race representation fun black man quirky Hispanic the educate/snooty white. class representation the struggling impoverished and largely uneducated. NZ middle ground British really poor American rich upper class. upper crust aristocratic middle groun povrished, poor,. gender representation manly men, muscular men , military womanly women. long hair, lots of make up lots of pink. what happens when you get manly women or womanly men. essentially two things homosexuality, androgynous. artly male and partly female in appearance; of indeterminate sex. gender is not binary gender is a spectrum which we can move along at any time of our lives. why include them? because binaries will often contain conflict and without conflict you don’t have film. films can be analyzed through a variety of frameworks: thematically narrative analysis formalist everything the viewer can hear and see. camera -frame size angle movement. semiotics the study of signs and symbols. bring out the meaning behind the metaphor. two levels, denotative and connotati ve. How to cite Zaahir, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Koolin Balit Health Plan-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Koolin Balit health plan which is an initiative of the Victorian Government. Answer: Introduction: This report will emphasise on the Koolin Balit health plan which is an initiative of the Victorian Government, for Aboriginal Health over the next decade i.e. 2012-2022. This plan draws an outline to the roles and responsibilities of the Health Human Services Department, along with other aboriginal communities and volunteers, to attain governments dedication and refine the health services. This plan will have six main priorities to focus on: A healthy start to life. A healthy childhood. A healthy transition to adulthood. Taking care of older people. Addressing the risk factors. Managing care better with effective services. This report will mainly lay its focus on some of the at-risk groups in the Aboriginal area like, the indigenous pregnant women and young women and the children and young adults in the Aboriginal area. The three determinants of health i.e. social and economic, environmental and biological will also be discussed in detail and critically analysed (Roberts et al., 2018). Health determinants and their influence on the individuals group With the execution of this plan the Victorian Government, along with the department of health, various government departments, various professional, philanthropic, and research organisations etc, aims to provide a better and a healthy life to the people of the Victorian Aboriginal (Roberts et al., 2018). Even the Commonwealth is the key associate, especially in the primary healthcare. The key objectives of the government in this plan will be:- To minimise the gap in the life expectancy of the people living in the Victorian Aboriginal. To minimise the gap in the infant mortality rates and low birth weights between the general public and the Aboriginal public. To provide an improved access to healthcare services to the people residing in the Aboriginal area. The plan emphasises on some key priority areas and the target groups: A healthy start to life: Indigenous and pregnant women A healthy childhood: Children and young adults A healthy transition to adulthood: Young adults of the Aboriginal Taking care of older people: The older people of the society. Addressing the risk factors: People who are obese, smokers, consume alcohol, Managing care better with effective services: People suffering from chronic diseases. The enablers that will help achieve this plan are:- Upgrading the data and the healthcare services. Powerful and well organised Aboriginal organisations. Aesthetic reactions to problems. The plan also emphasises on the health determinants that are mainly social and economic, environmental and biological. The Social and economic status of an individual also affects his health. The more the difference between the rich and the poor peoples income status, more is the difference in their health (Semenza, Suk Tsolova, 2010). The physical environment is the access to clean air, water, and food to an individual which determines his well being. An easy access to these will bring them closer to living a healthy life. The biological determinant plays a role in determining the lifetime, health and the possibility of developing any kind of illness or disease depending on his genetic history (Semenza, Suk Tsolova, 2010). Description of the priority area and at-risk groups: - one of the priority areas that would be focussed upon in this report is the healthy start to life. It is very well known that the healthy start to life is the base of a healthy living of an individual throughout his life span. As many as 16% of people in the age group of new born to 24 years suffer from some of the most chronic diseases because of the poor gestational conditions (Semenza, Suk Tsolova, 2010). Therefore, the role of the young adults of the Aboriginal becomes more prevalent in this regard, in order to make sure a good health at the very beginning of life. Hence the issue regarding breastfeeding amongst indigenous mothers becomes a major concern and needs to be looked upon efficiently and smartly (Sim Mackie, 2012). The at-risk groups, in this case, are the indigenous pregnant women and the young women. In line with the proofs and facts, it can be concluded that the indigenous women are not very favourable of breastfeeding to their child as compared to the non indigenous women which make up for a foundation of a healthy start to the life of non-indigenous children as compared to the indigenous children, as they do not get the benefits of breastfeeding (Gleeson Alperstein, 2006). The advantages of breastfeeding to infants are many, as it gives the very start of a healthy life to an infant, which helps them fight many diseases and build better immunity throughout their life (Palacio, Suarez, Tamariz Seo, 2017). It also aides them from many deadly infections and ailments, the measures to address this priority area include caring for the pregnant women, educating them about healthy life styles and asking them to stay away from smoking and drinking habits, and also educating them about the benefits of breastfeeding to the expecting mothers (Palacio, Suarez, Tamariz Seo, 2017). Discussion: This part of the report will emphasise on the possible determinants that are closely associated with the at-risk groups (i.e. indigenous pregnant women and young women), and the related outcomes for the concerned groups. In relation to the above mentioned at-risk groups, the determinants can be chosen as education, early life, and social support (Malcarney, Pittman, Quigley, Horton Seiler, 2017). In terms of the growing numbers of pregnant women in the Aboriginal and the new mothers who are in the process of obtaining the antenatal care benefits in the early stages of their pregnancy and motherhood, the early life determinant can be associated with it (Malcarney, Pittman, Quigley, Horton Seiler, 2017). Training the new mother or the pregnant women, about the advantages of breastfeeding, not only helps them in being sure of a healthy start to their childs life but also ensures in maintaining a healthy motherhood for them too. Maintaining a positive and productive lifestyle during and after pregnancy is very important for both the mother and the child, and it can surely be achieved by specific health programs, which help in giving a positive environment for the healthy growth of the infant (Malcarney, Pittman, Quigley, Horton Seiler, 2017). Various local initiatives which emphasise the provisions regarding the physical and mental health, the overall health of the infants and their mothers in the Aboriginal during pre natal and post natal time, should be included in the factors concerning the education and social support (Radin, 2010). It is the responsibility of the Victorian Government to upgrade the bridges between the health improvement programs and related social initiatives to make sure that Closing the Health Gap Implementation Program, with an efficient implementation of the tasks which mainly focus on easy access to the superior antenatal care in the Aboriginal (Radin, 2010). The Government Department should work on the suggested healthcare schemes to bring about an enhancement in the better lifestyle of the mothers during and after pregnancy period. The schemes take into consideration the following points: Healthy Family Air is an initiative which has been planned in accordance with the quit smoking campaign amongst the new parents of the Aboriginal, during the pregnancy phase. Koori Alcohol Plan is also designed to create and spread awareness about the effects of hazardous drinking habits amongst the expecting parents of the Aboriginal and the unfavourable effects of drinking on the infants (Stewart, Hardcastle Zelinsky, 2014). Victorian Aboriginal Nutrition along with the physical activity strategy needs to be executed efficiently to ensure welfare and health of the Aboriginal mothers and their infants with regards to the nutritional health. These determinants are important as they are significant for any particular group because of their aptness and relevance. Conclusion: This report has been able to summarise that the health plan regarding the Koolin Balit is able to provide a straightforward path for the achievement of the leading outcomes for the health of the people in the Aboriginal. It has been able to clearly show through the specific analysis of the health services for the people of the Aboriginal area, with regard to being answerable and liable for the steps that have been taken. The research shows that the health outcomes vary greatly across the population groups and a similar scenario has happened with the Aboriginal Population, as they follow a discrete lifestyle which adversely affects their good health and prosperity. The report has emphasised on the influence of the health services on the Aboriginal population with regard to the close association of the government and the other partners, for the purpose of improvement of a healthy living style amongst the Aboriginal population, specially the pregnant women and young women. It can thus b e said that this report has been able to serve the purpose of demonstrating the how and why of the related effects, that have taken place by the help of the unexpressed determinants. References Gleeson, S., Alperstein, G. (2006). The NSW Social Determinants of Health Action Group: influencing the social determinants of health.Health Promotion Journal Of Australia,17(3), 266-267. Malcarney, M., Pittman, P., Quigley, L., Horton, K., Seiler, N. (2017). The Changing Roles of Community Health Workers.Health Services Research,52, 360-382. Palacio, A., Suarez, M., Tamariz, L., Seo, D. (2017). A Road Map to Integrate Social Determinants of Health into Electronic Health Records.Population Health Management,20(6), 424-426. Radin, B. (2010). When is a Health Department not a Health Department? The Case of the US Department of Health and Human Services.Social Policy Administration,44(2), 142-154. Roberts, P., Deculus, C., Garber, L., Iivanainen, A., Stentoft, T., Winright, K. (2018). Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Case Studies from Epic's Population Health Steering Board.Population Health Management. Semenza, J., Suk, J., Tsolova, S. (2010). Social determinants of infectious diseases: a public health priority.Eurosurveillance,15(27). Sim, F., Mackie, P. (2012). Social determinants revisited.Public Health,126(6), 457-458. Stewart, R., Hardcastle, V., Zelinsky, A. (2014). Health Disparities, Social Determinants of Health, and Health Insurance.World Medical Health Policy,6(4), 483-492

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The mosquito coast Analysis Essay Example For Students

The mosquito coast Analysis Essay The Mosquito CoastIn today’s society it is easy for one to lose ones head. With all the advanced technology, endless activities and the pressure to do as much as possible in a twenty four hour day, some of us may feel we as though we are going crazy. Perhaps maybe joke about being a mad man. However in Paul Therouxs novel The Mosquito Coast Allie Fox was more then just a little over worked or too idealistic. Allie Fox was a Mad Man. He proves his insanity time and time again through out the novel by the way he is with his son Charlie, other members of his family, and people he meets along the way. We will write a custom essay on The mosquito coast Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first incidence in the novel, The Mosquito Coast that proves Allie is a mad man is when he asks his oldest son Charlie to prove his braveness to him by sitting on a rock and waiting for the freezing cold tide to come in and hit him. The tides coming in, father said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Whos going to show me how brave he is? page 63. No father who was mentally sane would ever put their own flesh and blood at such a risk for something so senseless.. Allie didnt see it as a risk, but as a game. Another time Allies madness is shown in an act towards Charlie is when they are aboard their boat, the Unicorn in the middle of a storm. While walking along the deck past the kingpost, davit and shrouds, Allie decides once again to challenge Charlie to a dangerous dare. He ordered him to climb to the top of the shrouds. Any fool can climb a ladder, father said. But those shrouds-if you climb those, youll be hanging right over the water. page 86. This is a true act of madness. With the slightest slip of his hand or an easily misplaced foot Charlie could fall and die instantly. But Allie was more than willing to risk that for a little fun. A third time Allie risks Charlie in an act of madness is when the Fox family is living in Jeronimo and Allie makes the mistake of inviting two Guerillas to stay with them. Allie had finally achieved what he had considered his ideal world when all of a sudden his perfection was threatened by two men who wanted to take over and be in control. Instead of packing up his family and leaving his hard earned lifestyle to keep his family safe he decides to stay in Jeronimo and put an end to Guerillas by freezing the men in Fat Boy, their freezer unit.Instead of asking Mr. Haddy, his trusted friend or one of the other men to help him with his plan he puts his son at risk of being caught by the guerillas and shot. Can you get up that ladder and shove this beam through the brackets on the hatchway door, without making a sound?†¦..You’d better be more certain then that, Charlie, because if you wake those bugs up theyre going to start shooting. page 249. That is full proof of madness. When you have the opportunity to leave safely and not risk your families life but forfeit your ideal world then you do the sane, reasonable thing to do and you pack up and go. Allie did not. Charlie is not the only person in the Fox family who is affected by Allies madness. The entire Fox family was in danger while the Guerillas were at Jeronimo. Not only because they were armed with guns, but because the men were attracted to the women in the family and if left alone with them could have very easily forced themselves upon them. Also, when Fat Boy set fire, had any of the family been out walking or looking for Allie and Charlie they could have been blown up with the rest of theyre possessions in Jeronimo. Then the explosion came. It filled the clearing with light that scorched my face. It brought color to every leaf, not green but reddish gold, and it gathered the nearby buildings-the cold store, the incubator, the root cellar-shocking them with pale floury flame and then pushing them over like paper. page 252. Had the children been close to the flame they would have suffered sever injuries. Allie didnt take those things into consideration while he was on his mad killin g spree. .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .postImageUrl , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:hover , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:visited , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:active { border:0!important; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:active , .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9ca3bffb89b0fad6f89dcc2b552bfeef:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Forecasting EssayAn ongoing sign of Allies madness is the fact that his family is living with such poor nutrition and living conditions. When they first arrive in Jeronimo they basically live off of bananas for weeks until their crops begin to grow and ripen. But even with the crops their food is very limited and their growing bodies are lacking important vitamins and nutrience for the children to stay healthy. During a time of drought the family lives on next to nothing because they have to save all the food they find. They dry fruits and vegetables to get the seeds so they can plant the next crop. Jerry had taken out a tomato and was polishing it on his knee. Father orde red him to put it back†¦..Those are hybrids. Eat those and youre living on our capital. When we get where were going, well take them apart and use them for seed. page 273. Allie wasnt even sure of where it was they were going, but he had banned them from eating until they got there. That could take days. A sane man doesnt believe in starvation. Especially of his family. A third time Allie proves he is mad not only to the readers but also to his family is when they are finally free and clear from the dangers of Jeronimo and the children ask to go back to America. Allie tells his family that there was a nuclear war and America no longer exists. Jeronimo is nothing compared to the destruction of the United States. It wasnt only the burning buildings and the panic. Think of the people. Remember Figgys curassow? The way roasting made the meat fall off the bones? Thats what happened to millions of Americans. Their flesh just slipped off their bones. page 274. Allie truly believed what he had made up. And he wanted desperately for the rest of his family to believe him as well. His family came to realize that they may need to question their fathers sanity. Allies insanity is also evident in the way he acts with people outside his family. For instance, at the beginning of the novel Allie goes into town to a hardware shop to purchase a coil of rubber. When he realizes that the clerk is trying to sell him a product made in Japan Allie loses control. Its made in Japan. I dont want my hard earned bucks turned into foreign exchange for the sons of Nippon. I dont want to bankroll another generation of kamikazes†¦. page 5. This is a very mild indication of what was yet to come in the rest of the novel. Another time Allie proves he is mad is when he is living in Laguna Miskita. The Fox family is being torn apart by Allies insanity. He is being rude and making it hell for the others to live with him. When Mr.Haddy comes to visit them he warns them of a huge storm heading their way. He promises Allie hell return before then with some gas, and spark plugs for his boat incase they run into any problems. But Allie is stubborn and refuses Mr.Haddys offer and sends him away. I bring you gas and erl next time†¦.and a set of sparks said Mr. Haddy. Dont want them. page 294. If it wasnt for Mr.Haddy returning secretly that night during the storm and giving the gas and sparks to Charlie, the family would have all drowned thanks to Allie. The final proof of Allies madness comes near the end of the novel. Allie has a true hate for missionaries. When his family made him stop at the a missionary in Guampu, Allie took it upon himself to do what he thought in his weak mental state, was the best for human race and torched the missionary. Hoping to kill everyone as well as all their beliefs. †¦Behind them, like the bonfire of sunrise, something blazed. High flames turned the nearby trees green and gold, and wet them with light, and gave them frantic Zambu shadows. page 355. This was the last time Allie was a free mad man. He was killed and the world and his family was now safe from him. .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .postImageUrl , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:hover , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:visited , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:active { border:0!important; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:active , .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u26ea7bb75055cdb1e54d89dd0e8d830c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pitch perception EssayAs you can see by the examples given in this essay it was clear to anyone that Allie Fox was in fact a mad man. Having fun and being silly, taking risks and living on the edge are all apart of a healthy, normal life. However, you need to know the limits. If you lose sight of the safety of yourself and others and of reality in general, as Allie Fox did, who knows what you may become.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cigarettes Addiction and Prodeuct Dangers essays

Cigarettes Addiction and Prodeuct Dangers essays Cigarettes - Addiction and Product Dangers It is clear that businesses have an obligation to inform their customers about their product's ingredients and dangers. Looking at the case of Rose Cipollone we see that she was a heavy smoker. Her doctor's had to remove part of her right cancerous lung and informed her that she had to quit smoking. Unfortunately, she was addicted. Her doctor's removed the rest of her lung that year and she finally quit smoking. She then sued the Liggett Group, the makers of the cigarettes she smoked. The lawsuit charged that the company knew of the link between cancer and smoking in the early 1940's. The company was found innocent of conspiring with other tobacco companies to hide the dangers of cigarette smoking but guilty on the grounds of falsely claiming its products were safe. However, things have changed. It is not 1940 anymore, when people were ignorant about the dangers of smoking. Tobacco companies now have Surgeon General warnings on cigarette packs. Unless they have been living under a rock, the general public should have been exposed to enough information by this time when it comes to cigarettes and addiction. Nicotine information is but a click away. Tobacco companies should no longer have the obligation to warn their customers, except if a new ingredient is added, in which case they should be notified. No one is saying get rid of the Surgeon General warnings, but enough is enough! If a person wants to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, then that is their choice; tobacco companies should not be held responsible. Let us examine the hype surrounding the supposed danger and addition of nicotine. The Food and Drug Administration tells us that nicotine (the addictive drug found in cigarettes) is just as addictive as cocaine and should be illegal. "Much of the rhetoric of the anti-smoking movement seeks to demonize tobacco smokers as "nicotine addicts". In the past, of ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing (ethics) - URGENT- needed within 8 hours Essay

Marketing (ethics) - URGENT- needed within 8 hours - Essay Example In the fast changing environment of globalization and advancing technology, leadership initiatives in business decisions become extremely important part of organizational performance. Indeed, affirmative actions encourage creativity and innovative practices that give a unique perspective to participatory approach. It also facilitates adaptability to changing equations, which occur due to rapidly changing environment of emerging business processes and societal norms that is increasingly becoming pluralistic. In the rapid globalization, it is imperative that organizations look beyond the racial prejudices and include diversity in their core strategy so as to exploit their vast potential. The organizational performance of the last 15 years makes it imperative for the managerial leadership to formulate new policies and strategies that would create encouraging and credible business environment and promote confidence building among various stakeholders. The huge potential of Steve needs to be exploited for the benefit of AgFunds. Another very important point is that the positive relationships inculcate positive attitude and self confidence amongst the various stakeholders, including customers. The positive attitude would help promote strategies that would help overcome the problems and seek solutions that would encourage better understanding and emotional adjustment with the changes. Montgomery (2008) asserts that leadership initiatives become crucial because managerial leadership is ‘more about getting the idea right at the outset than living with strategy over time...strategy must be a dynamic tool for guiding the development of a company over time’. It is time to look beyond the color of skin and make merit the major factor for creating effective and result oriented marketing team. Hence, Steve becomes a natural choice. Indeed, the agricultural community of rural Arkansas needs to be buoyed with innovative ideas and products and services that would

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law - Term Paper Example The disastrous effects of these truths could carry forward into our future life which needs to be averted. (150 Words) Outline: Our present energy resources may not last long due to high rate of usage and unbridled consumption, especially by the industrial sectors. Therefore it has become necessary to seek new and alternative means for addressing this issue and providing means of its alleviation and mitigation, if not a long term solution that could effectively deal with this current issue. Developing several ways and means by which the dependence and funds spend on fossil fuels and contemporary energy sources could be reduced and innovative ideas leading to outsourcing of alternative energy sourcing could be developed and gainfully employed. Innovating and development may take time and resources. It is a long drawn process which requires sustained efforts and investments. It is also necessary to develop newer techniques through which existing energy resources could be optimized and effective control measures taken to limit its ineffective and inefficient use, through innovation. Introduction: The subject of seeking alternative and substitute means of generating energy resources needs to be seen in the context of depleting resources, due to mismanagement and slack control mechanism which does not address the core issues. Although much has been said about the need to tackle energy crisis on a war footing and seek renewable and alternative areas like harnessing wind, solar or nuclear energy for the advancement of human society, there are many areas in which improvements could be made for achieving such objectives. In the first place, there is legislation in place that is designed to control the use of energy. This is done by creating hybrid or alternative fuel usage in vehicles. It is planned that by year 2018, nearly 50% of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Using of Tress to improve the quality of urban spaces Research Proposal

Using of Tress to improve the quality of urban spaces - Research Proposal Example This contributed to numerous adverse effects brought about by the lack of vegetation. Research has highlighted that planting trees in urban spaces can contribute to numerous positive changes, improving the quality of life in urban areas. Previous studies have focused on understanding how the planting of trees in urban spaces can contribute to better climatic conditions in urban areas. Experts in this field have relied on different methodologies for assessing the impacts of different types of trees planted in urban spaces (Akbari & Pomerantz, 2001). Without doubt, the need to restructure the architecture of urban spaces by planting trees is becoming more evident in the modern society. With the increasing rates of global warming, human beings have no option, but to modify the urban spaces by planting more trees. Although there has been an emphasis on the need to plant trees on urban spaces, few of the residents in these areas recognize the benefits of trees to them. Previous studies have focused on generating scientific evidence on how trees can improve the quality of life in urban areas. Evidently, there is minimal research, which highlights how urban residents appreciate the benefits of trees and contribute positively to planting more trees in community programs. In order to ascertain the benefits of trees in improving the quality of life, the opinion of environmentalists is of critical importance. Few researchers in the past have given regard to the opinions of the environmentalists in the past. If the efforts of planting trees are to be more successful, then both environmentalists and residents of urban places should focus on a similar agenda. Therefore, this research will assess how trees in urban places improve the quality of life in accordance with environmentalists and local residen ts (Camacho-Cervantes et al, 2014). The significance of this research is to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Nissans external environment

Nissans external environment Natural Environment Nissans â€Å"ultimate goal† Nissans is one of the top producers of automobile company which they used up many environmental resources because cars basically run on fossil fuel and gasoline. As a global manufacturer of automobile, Nissan have set an ultimate goal which is to manage the environmental impact generated by (Nissan Global)Nissans corporate activities, customer use of Nissan vehicles, and the companys use of resources on a level that is within natures capacity to absorb. Nissans aim is also to minimize the impact of earth from (Nissan, 2009) Key Issues of Nissan Nissan now focuses on the 3 Key issues which are:- To reduce the Carbon Dioxide emission, To reduce other emission to preserve earth resources including the atmosphere, soil and water To promote the resources cycle through 3rs, Reduction, Reuse Recycle. Task 1. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions Nissan believe that reducing the CO2 emission requires not only by Nissan alone but also a cooperative efforts by all society. Nissan is also making aggressive efforts in reducing the Carbon Monoxide emission in their business activities and thus, their effort will lead to contribution of the society. Task 2. Reducing emissions*1 (protecting the air, water and soil) Nissans 2nd task is to reduce any emission that will have negative impact on earth resources including the atmosphere, air, water and soil. According to Nissan, it is a requirement for them to consider the life cycle of their vehicle from the vehicles development to production and finally to the vehicles disposal. Task 3. Resource recycling (promoting reducing, reusing, and recycling) Nissans aim is to achieve the mobile society through automobile recycling. According to Nissan basic approach, they are implementing the 3 Rs to use their resource effective and efficiently. The 3 Rs are:- Reduce Reuse Recycle They are planning to reduce the material to its minimal when producing their automobile, reuse the resources whenever possible and recycle their resources for the future use. Technology Environment Nissan has four areas of technological goals which include the environment, safety, dynamic performance and life on board. Nissan create these values in order to provide their customers with trusted driving pleasure. (Nissan Global) Environment Nissan has a long term goal to reducing CO2 help the environmental crisis such as global warming. With this goal, Nissan had set their target of reducing CO2 emission in their new car by 70% in the year 2050. (Nissan Environmental Technologies) Safety Nissan claims that their aim is to reduce the number of serious and fatal injuries from accidents involving Nissans vehicle by halve by the year 2015. Nissan has work hard to progressively design a safer vehicle to the customer based on real world accident analysis. Nissan carried out various crash test from normal driving accident to serious and fatal accidents to be analyzed and to provide continuous improvements onto Nissans vehicle. (Nissan Safety Technologies) Dynamic Performance Nissan focuses on qualities such as quietness of the vehicle and the power response. The vehicle handling however such as steering stability, steering responsiveness and vehicle behavior are very important to please the driver of Nissans vehicle according to Nissan. (Nissan Dynamic Performance) Life on Board Nissan vehicle provides an unprecedented value through their every stage from getting into vehicle, preparation to drive, actual driving experience and to getting out from the vehicle. Nissan is also delivering the three kinds of value on the driving experience on Nissan vehicle. (Nissan Life on Board) Cockpit which are design for easy driving Cabin comfort High quality of the interior Sociocultural Environment Nissan is building and manufacturing cars to meet all types of peoples demand. Different people would prefer different types of cars depending on the consumer itself. Assume that if a person prefer vehicle that can go off-road, he could have prefered Nissan Xterra or Nissan Frontier whereas people who are rich and like fast cars would go for cars like Nissan Silvia, Nissan Skyline or Nissan Fairlady 350z. Not all types of driver are suited for all types of cars. This is the reason why Nissan Build many different types of vehicle to suit different types of driver. Below are the some of the lists of different category of Nissan vehicle that are still on production today. Nissan for the adrenaline and want-to-go-fast guys: Nissan Skyline GT-R 35 Nissan 370z Nissan for the adventurous and explorer: Nissan X-trail Nissan Navara Nissan Frontier Nissan for the budget driver: Nissan Latio Nissan Sentra Nissan March International Environment Nissan Company succeeded in selling their automobiles internationally in every continent. This means that Nissan is an international company. Although its availability all around the world, Nissan has to compete on a global basis because there are many high-quality and low price automobiles from all around the world including Toyota, Ford, Mitsubishi and many other more. The international environment provides new competitors, customers and suppliers from everywhere. Although is a good thing Nissan expands their business internationally, this will make the company even harder to control as there are many branches everywhere in the world where Nissan has to retain the standards of every Nissan branches in terms of their services. Nissan would also have to make their automobile available to every place with Nissan branch where they either ship their automobile internationally or the automobile is manufactured locally. Economic Environment Nissan and Renault established as the Renault-Nissan Purchasing Organization (RNPO) in the year 2001. This was key ways to reduce cost by combining both their resources to be more efficient in the organization. Renault and Nissan currently hold 60% shares some part and raw materials suppliers. (Agrawal, 2007) Legal and Political Environment Nissan vehicle have to meet certain standards to be able to enter certain countries to be sold. This is due to the fact that certain states do not allow high performance vehicle such as Nissan Skyline models to enter the state because driver might misuse the vehicle for illegal street racing. Besides high performance automobile, Nissan also needs to meet the Emission Standards whereby it is a requirement that set a specific limit of the pollution produce by an automobile that are released to the environment. These standards are to protect the environment of any air pollution to the country as this may lead to global warming. Emissions that are being tested include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, sulfur oxide and others. Aside from that also, there is also safety standards that should be tested before the vehicle is legally produce to the market. In other words, the vehicle should be safe enough for the driver in meeting the safety standards. The safety standards include: Crash Avoidance Control whereby in an event of emergencies, can the vehicle respond when the driver avoids a crash. Crashworthiness is when the vehicle crashes, the vehicle should be safe enough to protect the driver and its passengers. This test will determine the airbag responsiveness, impacts, safety belts and others. (TRANSPORTATION, 1999)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Henry IS :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is evident that after reading The Red Badge of Courage, there are many different interpretations as to what kind of person Henry is. Some argue that Henry’s change at the end of the novel turned him into an honor earning, noble man. While one battle can change a man, there are always the underlying traits that will never fade away. The beginning of the novel is where Henry’s psychological background is set. Henry’s personality is brutally self-centered, the only person in his mind is himself, and that’s the way it always will be.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Henry informed his mother that he was leaving to go to war, he was upset with her reaction. He expected a huge dramatic scene with his mother in tears and begging him to stay home. To his dismay, Henry received a stoic response, in which his mother told him to simply be careful. It was evident through the subtly of his mothers response that she was overly upset by her sons decision, and chose to support him as a good mother would. Henry was too busy worrying about the dissatisfying reaction from his mother to realize that she was hurt and distraught. This example is just a beginning to the selfish thoughts that pollute Henry’s mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry was overly obsessed with obtaining a high reputation on the battlefield. He hoped that an impressive performance during battles would immortalize him as a hero among the rest of the soldiers. Henry holds his head high throughout the entire beginning of the novel, and while he makes mistakes, he does not blame it on himself. Also, Henry ran away from battle, which ends up with one less person in line to fight. Henry was not thinking of the other soldiers he put at risk when he fled, but only his own fear and life. Although he was just one soldier, one soldier can make a difference. When Henry fled from battle, afterwards he blamed it on the other soldiers who did not follow in his footsteps. He found them to be fools for not protecting themselves from death as he did. In order to further increase his high self-image, he faked a wound. Getting hit in the head by the butt end of a rifle is not a hero like quality, so he went along with the lie of getting shot. Luckily, the unsuspecting soldiers believed that a bullet grazed his head, and the bump on his head wasn’t the only factor to how huge Henry’s head looked.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Internet Addiction

Internet Addiction The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research. However, from time to time, cases of over involvement with the Internet have been observed on different campuses. The internet is not a habit. It’s an indelible feature of modern life. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) was originally proposed as a disorder in a satirical hoax by Ivan Goldberg, M. D. , in 1995. He took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- IV) as his model for the description of IAD. It is not however included in the current DSM as of 2009. IAD receives coverage in the press and possible future classification as a psychological disorder continues to be debated and researched. Online Activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions. Others, such as reading or playing computer games, are troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. Supporters of disorder classification often divide IAD into subtypes by activity, such as excessive viewing of pornography, overwhelming and excessive gaming, inappropriate involvement in online social networking sites or blogging, and internet shopping addiction. One counter argument is that compulsive behaviors may not themselves be addictive (http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Internet_addiction_disorder). In some respects, addictive use of the Internet resembles other so-called â€Å"process† addictions, in which a person is addicted to an activity or behavior rather than a substance (mood-altering drugs, tobacco, food, etc). People who develop problems with their Internet use may start off using the Internet on a casual basis and then progress to using the technology in dysfunctional ways. Many people believe that spending large amounts of time on the Internet is a core feature of the disorder. The amount of time by itself, however, is not as important a factor as the ways in which the person’s Internet use is interfering with their daily functioning. Use of the Internet may interfere with the person’s social life, school work, or job-related tasks at work. In addition, cases have been reported of persons entering to be a patient with that disorder in order to get attention or sympathy. Treatment options often mirror those for other addictions. Although only a limited amount of research has been done on this disorder, the treatments that have been used appear to be effective (http://www. inddisorders. com/Flu-Inv/Internet-addiction-disorder. html). Dr. Goldberg pointed out two main characteristics of IA: using the Internet leads to constant distress; and damages physical, interpersonal, social status. People believe IA is just like the drug or cigarette addiction, but the psychiatrists believe it’s just like the gaming addiction. About 83 million Americ ans were connected to Internet in August 1999, by the year 2000 the number of those increased by 12 million. As the number of internet users’ increase, the number of internet addicts increases, and problems it causes. It is a disaster, because we only know a very few about the true nature of the internet addiction and treatment methods. According to statistic research every second internet user is an internet addict, they spend their lives at chats, forums, online games and other internet services. They cut their words and sentences to a couple of letters like AFK, BB, and MU, to save the time for internet searching. The majority of internet addicts are teenagers; people that are just have started their life, which need to stay outdoors as long as it is possible to grow up strong, smart and intelligent. But they spent their time sitting in front of the gleaming monitor, talking to virtual friends about the virtual problems of virtual people whom they have never even seen with their own eyes, and probably never will. They recognize the world through Internet information, written by faceless someone for faceless anyone. When they need a book they never go to library, instead they go to Yandex or Google, write the name of the author and the novel they need and here you go, the digital copy of eternal Dostoevsky’s â€Å"Idiot† minimized from a hundreds of pages to a couple of kilobytes. The glimmer of the monitor leads to the visual impairment, anorexia. Coffee, that helps internet users to keep their selves vigil, causes the stomach upset. It’s an irreversible process that changes the whole nature of human psychic and physic. As you can see the internet addiction is an extremely dangerous disease, and it’s very important to know how to recognize it, in order to help and save those you care about (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/index. html). According to Grohol (1999), si ce the aspects of the Internet where people are spending the greatest amount of time online has to do with social interactions, it would appear that socialization is what makes the Internet so â€Å"addicting†. That’s right—plain old hanging out with other people and talking with them. Whether it’s via e-mail, a discussion form, chat, or a game online (such as MUD), people are spending this time exchanging information, support, and chit-chat with other pe ople just like themselves. Would we ever characterize any time spent in the real world with friends as â€Å"addicting†? Of course not, teenagers talk on the phone for hours on end, with other people they see every day! Do we say they are addicted to the telephone? Of course not, people lose hours at a time, immersed in a book, ignoring friends and family, and often not even picking up the phone when it rings. Do we say they are addicted to the book? Of course not, if some clinicians and researchers are now going to start defining addiction as social interactions, then every real-world social relationship we have is an addictive one. Also, in potential explanations for pathological use, Young (1996) initiated telephone surveys to formally study pathological Internet use (PIU) based upon modified criteria of Pathological Gambling defined in the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1995). Case studies showed that Dependents classified used the Internet an average of thirty-eight hours per week for non-academic or non-employment related purposes which caused detrimental effects such as poor grade performance among students, discord among couples, and reduce work performance among employees. This is compared to non-addicts in this study who used the Internet an average of eight hours per week with no significant consequences reported. Subsequent research on PIU based upon a self report determination of addiction was conducted utilizing online survey methods. Brenner (1996) received 185 responses in one month to his online survey regarding behavior patterns associated with the Internet. His survey showed that 17% used the Internet more than 40 hours per week, 58% said that others had complained about their excessive net usage, and 46% indicated getting less than 4 hours of sleep per night due to late night log ins. Egger (1996) received 450 responses to his online survey. Self-professed addicts in this study often looked forward their next net session, felt nervous when offline, lied about their online use, easily lost track of time, and felt the Internet caused problems on their jobs, finances, and socially. Steve Thompson (1996) developed the â€Å"McSurvey† which yielded 104 valid responses. Among respondents to his online survey, 72% felt addicted and 33% felt their internet usage had a negative effect on their lives. Surveys conducted on college campuses (Morhan-Martin, 1997; Scherer, 1997) also supported that students suffered significant academic and relationships impairment due to excessive and uncontrolled Internet usage. Formal Computer/Internet addiction treatment centers have been established at such clinical setting as Proctor Hospital in Peoria, Illinois and Harvard affiliate McLean Hospital in response to the serious impairment caused by PIU. The Internet itself is a term which represents different types of functions that are accessible online. Therefore, before discussing addictive nature of the Internet, one must examine the types of applications being used. When dependents were asked â€Å"What applications do you most utilize on the Internet? †, 35% indicated chat rooms, 28% MUDs, 15% News groups, 13% E-mail, 7% WWW, and 2% Information Protocols (e. g. gopher, ftp, etc. ). Upon examination, traditional information protocols and Web pages were the least utilized among Dependents compared to over 90% of respondents who became addicted to the two way communication functions: chat rooms, MUDs, news groups. Or e-mail. This makes the case that the database searches, while interesting and often times time-consuming are not actual reasons Dependents become addicted to the Internet. Chat rooms and MUDs were the two most utilized mediums which both allow multiple online users to simultaneously communicate in real time; similar to having a telephone conversation except in the form of typed messages. Over 1,000 users can occupy a single virtual area. Text scrolls quickly up the screen with answers, questions, or comments to one another. Privatized messages are another available option which allows only a single user to read message sent. Multi-user Dungeons, more commonly known as MUDs, differ from chat rooms as these are an electronic spin off the old Dungeon and Dragons games where players take on character roles. There are literally hundreds of different MUDs ranging in themes from space battles to medieval duels. In order to log into a MUD, a user maidens or buys weapons in a make believe role playing game (http://www. healthyplace. com/addictions/center-for-internet-addiction-recovery/what-makes-the-internet-addictive/menu-id-1105/page-2/). The initial idea behind the internet started in 1961. However, in 1993 the Internet experienced one of its largest growths and today is accessible and used by people everywhere in the world (http://www. teen-beauty-tips. com/internet-addiction. html). 21st century is distinguished with the high rate of business person. High rate of technical progress demands from us quick reaction on external changes of the world, economy and the way of life. Things that are urgent today become totally unnecessary tomorrow, so it takes much time and powers to keep in line. This constant wild race for new information, new welfare, and for being first leaves us no time for normal life, for going out with our friends, visiting the libraries, visiting our relatives, reading books, news papers, watching films, not only news. We have no time for all that, but we still have a desire to get it, so we’re looking for ways to get it with the minimal loss of time and maximal grant of pleasure. Modern science made it possible. Our dreams became true, we can buy books, films, cloth, visit different countries and our relatives, and reach our friend from the far away without leaving our flats, even without leaving our chairs. We have an Internet. With the help of internet we fill the emptiness inside us, we compensate the lack of communication and attention we need. Internet saves us from the loneliness we feel. We spend too much time working hardly so we have no strength for our pleasures. But we always have time and strength for internet, because it’s fun, informative and easy, it relaxes us. Therefore, it’s just a one side of the medal. With the lapse of time it becomes integral part of our life, you keep thinking about persons you met there, and you have no other connection with, and you’re dying to chat with them again. That’s how it starts. You may say its okay to care about someone, about your friends, and there’s nothing terrible they are just words at the contact list if behind them are real people, people you care about. Of course there’s nothing terrible, if it’s just like you say, but just for a minute try to think over, try to remember lust 6 months of your life. First you used internet to communicate with your friends because you were too exhausted to go out and had no time, but now, I bet, you missed a number of opportunities to go out with your friends in a favor of internet communication, don’t you? I also bet that first there were only those you know in real life at your contact list, and now the number of those hardly reaches 20%. Psychiatrists says that those who are not addict use internet only in order to find necessary information and keep in touch with their friends they knew before, but the addicts constantly surfing internet, without any important reason and multiplies the number of virtual friends they’ve never met in the real life, and never will. Thus, internet is very attractive for person as a way of escaping from the reality through the anonymous interactions, which gives an opportunity to express oneself without risk of being ridicule or misunderstood. It’s an opportunity to bring to life some fantasies and desires with a feedback, and, of course, unlimited access to the information, so called informational necrosadism (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/the_origin_of_internet_addiction. html). The term â€Å"addiction† is borrowed from psychologist’s lexicon, to stress that internet attachment is a problem; it’s not just a hobby or the way to spend time and communicate, and it’s a serious disorder of mind and psychic. Internet is very attractive for teenagers as it’s totally anonymous. Teenagers often have an inferiority complex because of their appearance or other criteria’s, and internet gives them an opportunity to find soul mates, someone to share their feelings and pain with. First it helps them not to feel lonely, but in time it turns them to hermit, and they lose their connection with real world, and may even become maniacs. Some scientists distinguish 5 types of Internet Addiction: Pornography Online games Online Gambling Online Shopping Chat rooms/Virtual dating addiction (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/types_of_internet_addiction. html). Over the past few decades, an immense industry for the production and consumption of pornography has grown, with the increasing use of the VCR, the DVD, and the Internet, as well as the emergence of social attitudes more tolerant of sexual portrayals. Performers in pornography are referred to as pornographic actors (or actresses), or the more commonly known title â€Å"porn star† and are generally seen as qualitatively different from their mainstream counterparts. Amateur pornography has become widely popular and generally distributed via the Internet for free (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pornography). The second addiction is online games. Online games is defined as a common cause if computer addiction. It is consist of multi-player games via the internet. This is where the player assumes a character in the game and plays against other people from all around the world. There are many internet games on the market and some of them have millions upon millions of players worldwide. The majority of the players involved enjoy just a casual game after school, work, or at weekends. A minority, however, have become so addicted, and alarmingly so, that they are spending upwards of 12 hours per day playing the game they are addicted to. Reports have come in that some people have been playing around the clock and not eating or sleeping for days and days because they do not want to leave the computer and the character they are pretending to be (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Moreover, the rising of Flash and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved by the way for sites to offer games to web surfers. Some online multiplayer games like World of War craft, Final Fantasy XI and Lineage II charge a monthly fee to subscribe to their services, while games such as Guild Wars offer an alternative no monthly fee scheme. Many other sites relied on advertising revenues from on site sponsors, while others, like RuneScape, let people play for free while leaving the players the option of paying, unlocking new content for the members. After the dot-com bubble burst in 2001, many sites solely relying on advertising revenue dollars faced extreme adversity. Despite the decreasing profitability of online gaming websites, some sites have survived the fluctuating and market by offsetting the advertising revenue loss by using the content as a cross-promotion tool for driving web visitors to other websites that the company owns. The term online gaming in many circles is being strictly defined to describe games that do not involve wagering, although many still use the term online gaming synonymously with online gambling (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Online_game). The third one is, online Gambling. These are possibly the most damaging of all computer addictions. These millions of dollar a year businesses make their money by sucking addicts of their money. The thrill of possible winning by gambling is very real and has never been easier since the onset of online casinos and other forms of online gambling. Serious debts have been incurred by these computer addicts. Some have even lost everything, their family, homes, possessions, and even more extreme, their lives. There are organizations that specifically deal with this kind of computer addiction and they have helped many thousands of people to get rid of this damaging addiction and have been able to give advice on helping to pull their lives back together again (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). There are 4 types of Online gambling, these are, online casinos, online sports betting, online bingo and mobile gambling. There are a large number of online casinos, in which people can play casino games such as roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and many others. These games are played against the â€Å"house†, which makes money due to the fact that the odds are in its favor. Online Sports Betting, bookmakers, spread betting firms and betting exchanges offer a variety of ways to wager over the Internet on the results of sporting events, the most popular being fixed-odds gambling. Online bingo is the game of bingo played on the Internet. Global betting and Gaming consultants estimates the global gross gaming yield of bingo was $0. billion USD in 2006; they forecast it will grow to $1. 0 billion USD by 2010. Unlike balls used in regular bingo halls, online bingo sites use a random number generator. The online bingo play works almost exactly like playing online poker or online casino games with everything being virtual. Most bingo halls also offer links to online poker and casino offerings. One notable feature of online bingo is the chat functionality. Successful online bingo sites foster a sense of community and interaction between players. And lastly, mobile gambling, it refers to gambling done on a remote wirelessly connected device. These devices can include wireless tablet PC’s, mobile phones and other non traditional mid-level networked computing devices. Some online casinos and online poker card rooms offer mobile options. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Online_gambling). The Fourth internet addiction is online shopping, in this kind of addiction comes in the form of many kinds. There is the person who is addicted to buying items from the many online shops. Then there is the person who is addicted to auction type buying. Either one could put a person in debt in a matter of seconds. Just one click the mouse could take money from their credit card and rack up enormous debts. This type of addiction usually starts with small purchases and paying with their credit card. Many small purchases of this kind then add up to many thousands of dollars. The thrill of bidding on an item in an online auction and then overbidding just to win the item (which they may not really want anyway) does cause addiction. Once the item has been bid on and won, a contract has been entered into. A very easy addiction to get into but very hard to get out once the debt has set in (http://ezinearticles. om/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Furthermore, online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who surf the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as they sit in front of the computer. Consumer s buy a variety of items from online stores. In fact, people can purchase just about anything from companies that provide their products online. Books, clothing, household appliances, toys, hardware, software, and health insurance are just some of the hundreds of products consumers can buy from an online store (http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-online-shopping. htm). (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Also, Virtual Dating Addiction is a disease of outsiders. One can’t find person with the same interests, passions or views in real life, among schoolmates, so he is looking for them at chats, forums, ICQ. On the one hand it’s normal, it helps not to become a self-contain hermit, but on the other hand person lose connection with the real life. He or she has no need in it anymore, one already have a true friends, who cares they’re just a letters and symbols if they are soul-mates, but in a few month we have the same problem – teenager becomes a hermit (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/types_of_internet_addiction. html). One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time when they are threatened with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes. Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue, declining grades or poor job performance, apathy, and racing thought. There may also be a decreased investment in social relationships and activities. A person may lie about how much time was spent online or deny that they have a problem. They may be irritable when offline, or angry toward anyone who questions their time on the Internet (http://www. minddisorders. com/Flu-Inv/Internet-addiction-disorder. html). Skipping meals. When you skip a meal just because you’re enjoying what you are doing in front of the computer, your body reacts with what I like to call â€Å"famine mode†. What I mean by that is that our internal workings tell us that we need food to survive, and if we don’t have it we must find it quickly. Even though we, ourselves, know that we can go at anytime of the day to get nutrients. Human nature hasn’t evolved in such a way that we don’t have primal human instincts and going too long without food makes us eat way too much at the next opportunity. Any food that we do eat, after skipping a meal, will be stored as fats so that in the even of another skipped meal (famine) we will be able to fall back on that stored fat for survival. The problem with this stored fat is that we never reach the point that we can burn it off, so it translates on the scales in excess weight. There are three major consequences of skipping a meal: Poor Performance, Foggy Head and Binging (calorie loading). However, stress is another contributor to people skipping meals. Stress hormones can actually stop the feeling of â€Å"hunger†. This doesn’t mean that your body isn’t starving for nutrients (http://www. inchesweightloss. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=85:skipping-meals-is-never-a-good-idea&catid=12:blog&Itemid=82). Working with computers can sometimes be stressful. And dealing with computer stress is really no different than dealing with any other type of stress in life. The more you understand and focus upon the underlying causes computer stress, the better you will fare in trying to cope with it. There are ten (10) common causes of computer related stress: Failing to Anticipate Problems Trying to Get by on the Cheap Failing to Ask for Help Failing to Relate to Stress as Feedback Trying to Cut Corners Unrealistic Expectations Beating Up On Yourself Unnecessarily Conflicts with Other People Failing to Do Your Homework and Compromising Your Own or Other’s Integrity http://stresscure. com/hrn/common. html). Stress symptoms commonly include a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion, as well as irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physiological reactions such as headache and elevated heart rate (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stress_(biology))) ). Backache is one of the most common ailments prevalent today. Sedentary living habits, hazardous work patterns and psychological conditions associated with emotional stress, which bring about spasm of the muscles, cause backaches. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load. In most cases of backache, the pain is usually felt either in the middle of the back or lower down. It may spread to both sides of the waist and the hips. In a condition of acute pain, the patient is unable to move and is bedridden. About 90% of backache patients suffer from what is called cervical and lumbar spondylosis. It is a degenerative disorder in which the different vertebrae adhere to each other through bony unions. As a result of this, the spine loses its flexibility (http://www. ome-remedies-for-you. com/remedy/Backache. html). On the other hand, Internet Dependency is also one of the signs or symptoms of being an internet addict. Internet Dependency is a term for excessive use of the Internet to the detriment of one’s physical, psychological, social, or vocational well- being. The majority of Americans and virtually all college stud ents now use the Internet as a source of information and entertainment on at least an occasional basis. Most use it on a regular basis without becoming dependent upon it. However, for some, involvement on the internet begins to have serious, negative consequences. When such consequences are minimized or ignored while Internet use increases, Internet dependency is occurring. Excessive Internet use may revolve around chat rooms, pornography; database searches; blogging; gambling; gaming; shopping; or any number of other online activities. As of 2005, it is estimated that 6% of users are Internet dependent. Being too dependent on the internet may also lead us to Tolerance, Withdrawal and Compulsive Use of Internet that may harm ourselves (http://www. villanova. edu/studentlife/counselingcenter/infosheets/psych_topics. htm? page=internet_depend. tm). Withdrawal can refer to any sort of separation, but is most commonly used to describe the group of symptoms that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake of medications, recreational drugs, and/or alcohol or not in front of the computer. The individual feels very uncomfortable, obnoxious or irritable if not engaged in the behavior after sometime. Compulsi ve Use or Craving. The individual feels a strong compelling need or urge to engage in the behavior, and thereafter plans for the next opportunity to perform the behavior. About 25% of the people in the world are active Internet users. More than 100 million Facebook users log on at least once per day. Nine blogs are created each minute. As advancements in Internet technology continue to make the world smaller and smaller, new users are plugging into the Net at an unbelievable pace. But what happens when these users are logging too often? Where do you draw the line between harmless and harmful? Many experts today are asking these questions about Internet usage. The internet can be a valuable tool for accessing information, making connections, and maintaining relationships. People all over the world use their cell phones, laptops, and home computers to access the Internet and branch out in all directions on the information superhighway. But for some, one wrong turn changes the Internet from a mode of communication to a medium of compulsion. Of course, this process seems a little extreme for the everyday Internet user. But think about it: have you ever felt that nagging urge to check your email or Facebook on your iPhone right after you checked it on your laptop? Does receiving a new e-mail or stumbling upon a new website put a smile on your face? Sometimes simple daily pleasure like hese can slowly lead to serious compulsive behaviors (http://neuroanthropology. net/2009/05/28/caught-in-the-net-the-internet-compulsion/). Along with all the positive influence of the Internet, there will always be some negative effects on it. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or median neuropathy is a painful progressive condition caused by compression of a key nerve in the wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. Symptoms usually start gradually, with pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm. As symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during the day, decreased grip strength may make it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks. In some cases no direct cause of the syndrome can be identified. Most likely the disorder is due to a congenital predisposition – the carpal tunnel is simply smaller in some people than in others. However, the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome especially, common in those performing assembly line work (http://www. ninds. nih. gov/disorders/carpal_tunnel/carpal_tunnel. htm). Dry Eyes Syndrome is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture in the eye. Its consequences range from subtle but constant irritation to ocular inflammation of the anterior (front) tissues of the eye. Dry eyes also are described by the medical term, keratitis sicca, which generally means decreased quality or quantity of tears. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca refers to eye dryness affecting the cornea and conjunctiva (http://www. allaboutvision. com/conditions/dryeye. htm). Migraine Headache is a form of vascular headache. Migraine headache is caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that causes the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the arteries magnifies the pain. Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body. The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress and pain, the so-called â€Å"fight or flight† response, and this activation causes many of the symptoms Internet Addiction Internet Addiction The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research. However, from time to time, cases of over involvement with the Internet have been observed on different campuses. The internet is not a habit. It’s an indelible feature of modern life. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) was originally proposed as a disorder in a satirical hoax by Ivan Goldberg, M. D. , in 1995. He took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- IV) as his model for the description of IAD. It is not however included in the current DSM as of 2009. IAD receives coverage in the press and possible future classification as a psychological disorder continues to be debated and researched. Online Activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions. Others, such as reading or playing computer games, are troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. Supporters of disorder classification often divide IAD into subtypes by activity, such as excessive viewing of pornography, overwhelming and excessive gaming, inappropriate involvement in online social networking sites or blogging, and internet shopping addiction. One counter argument is that compulsive behaviors may not themselves be addictive (http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Internet_addiction_disorder). In some respects, addictive use of the Internet resembles other so-called â€Å"process† addictions, in which a person is addicted to an activity or behavior rather than a substance (mood-altering drugs, tobacco, food, etc). People who develop problems with their Internet use may start off using the Internet on a casual basis and then progress to using the technology in dysfunctional ways. Many people believe that spending large amounts of time on the Internet is a core feature of the disorder. The amount of time by itself, however, is not as important a factor as the ways in which the person’s Internet use is interfering with their daily functioning. Use of the Internet may interfere with the person’s social life, school work, or job-related tasks at work. In addition, cases have been reported of persons entering to be a patient with that disorder in order to get attention or sympathy. Treatment options often mirror those for other addictions. Although only a limited amount of research has been done on this disorder, the treatments that have been used appear to be effective (http://www. inddisorders. com/Flu-Inv/Internet-addiction-disorder. html). Dr. Goldberg pointed out two main characteristics of IA: using the Internet leads to constant distress; and damages physical, interpersonal, social status. People believe IA is just like the drug or cigarette addiction, but the psychiatrists believe it’s just like the gaming addiction. About 83 million Americ ans were connected to Internet in August 1999, by the year 2000 the number of those increased by 12 million. As the number of internet users’ increase, the number of internet addicts increases, and problems it causes. It is a disaster, because we only know a very few about the true nature of the internet addiction and treatment methods. According to statistic research every second internet user is an internet addict, they spend their lives at chats, forums, online games and other internet services. They cut their words and sentences to a couple of letters like AFK, BB, and MU, to save the time for internet searching. The majority of internet addicts are teenagers; people that are just have started their life, which need to stay outdoors as long as it is possible to grow up strong, smart and intelligent. But they spent their time sitting in front of the gleaming monitor, talking to virtual friends about the virtual problems of virtual people whom they have never even seen with their own eyes, and probably never will. They recognize the world through Internet information, written by faceless someone for faceless anyone. When they need a book they never go to library, instead they go to Yandex or Google, write the name of the author and the novel they need and here you go, the digital copy of eternal Dostoevsky’s â€Å"Idiot† minimized from a hundreds of pages to a couple of kilobytes. The glimmer of the monitor leads to the visual impairment, anorexia. Coffee, that helps internet users to keep their selves vigil, causes the stomach upset. It’s an irreversible process that changes the whole nature of human psychic and physic. As you can see the internet addiction is an extremely dangerous disease, and it’s very important to know how to recognize it, in order to help and save those you care about (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/index. html). According to Grohol (1999), si ce the aspects of the Internet where people are spending the greatest amount of time online has to do with social interactions, it would appear that socialization is what makes the Internet so â€Å"addicting†. That’s right—plain old hanging out with other people and talking with them. Whether it’s via e-mail, a discussion form, chat, or a game online (such as MUD), people are spending this time exchanging information, support, and chit-chat with other pe ople just like themselves. Would we ever characterize any time spent in the real world with friends as â€Å"addicting†? Of course not, teenagers talk on the phone for hours on end, with other people they see every day! Do we say they are addicted to the telephone? Of course not, people lose hours at a time, immersed in a book, ignoring friends and family, and often not even picking up the phone when it rings. Do we say they are addicted to the book? Of course not, if some clinicians and researchers are now going to start defining addiction as social interactions, then every real-world social relationship we have is an addictive one. Also, in potential explanations for pathological use, Young (1996) initiated telephone surveys to formally study pathological Internet use (PIU) based upon modified criteria of Pathological Gambling defined in the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1995). Case studies showed that Dependents classified used the Internet an average of thirty-eight hours per week for non-academic or non-employment related purposes which caused detrimental effects such as poor grade performance among students, discord among couples, and reduce work performance among employees. This is compared to non-addicts in this study who used the Internet an average of eight hours per week with no significant consequences reported. Subsequent research on PIU based upon a self report determination of addiction was conducted utilizing online survey methods. Brenner (1996) received 185 responses in one month to his online survey regarding behavior patterns associated with the Internet. His survey showed that 17% used the Internet more than 40 hours per week, 58% said that others had complained about their excessive net usage, and 46% indicated getting less than 4 hours of sleep per night due to late night log ins. Egger (1996) received 450 responses to his online survey. Self-professed addicts in this study often looked forward their next net session, felt nervous when offline, lied about their online use, easily lost track of time, and felt the Internet caused problems on their jobs, finances, and socially. Steve Thompson (1996) developed the â€Å"McSurvey† which yielded 104 valid responses. Among respondents to his online survey, 72% felt addicted and 33% felt their internet usage had a negative effect on their lives. Surveys conducted on college campuses (Morhan-Martin, 1997; Scherer, 1997) also supported that students suffered significant academic and relationships impairment due to excessive and uncontrolled Internet usage. Formal Computer/Internet addiction treatment centers have been established at such clinical setting as Proctor Hospital in Peoria, Illinois and Harvard affiliate McLean Hospital in response to the serious impairment caused by PIU. The Internet itself is a term which represents different types of functions that are accessible online. Therefore, before discussing addictive nature of the Internet, one must examine the types of applications being used. When dependents were asked â€Å"What applications do you most utilize on the Internet? †, 35% indicated chat rooms, 28% MUDs, 15% News groups, 13% E-mail, 7% WWW, and 2% Information Protocols (e. g. gopher, ftp, etc. ). Upon examination, traditional information protocols and Web pages were the least utilized among Dependents compared to over 90% of respondents who became addicted to the two way communication functions: chat rooms, MUDs, news groups. Or e-mail. This makes the case that the database searches, while interesting and often times time-consuming are not actual reasons Dependents become addicted to the Internet. Chat rooms and MUDs were the two most utilized mediums which both allow multiple online users to simultaneously communicate in real time; similar to having a telephone conversation except in the form of typed messages. Over 1,000 users can occupy a single virtual area. Text scrolls quickly up the screen with answers, questions, or comments to one another. Privatized messages are another available option which allows only a single user to read message sent. Multi-user Dungeons, more commonly known as MUDs, differ from chat rooms as these are an electronic spin off the old Dungeon and Dragons games where players take on character roles. There are literally hundreds of different MUDs ranging in themes from space battles to medieval duels. In order to log into a MUD, a user maidens or buys weapons in a make believe role playing game (http://www. healthyplace. com/addictions/center-for-internet-addiction-recovery/what-makes-the-internet-addictive/menu-id-1105/page-2/). The initial idea behind the internet started in 1961. However, in 1993 the Internet experienced one of its largest growths and today is accessible and used by people everywhere in the world (http://www. teen-beauty-tips. com/internet-addiction. html). 21st century is distinguished with the high rate of business person. High rate of technical progress demands from us quick reaction on external changes of the world, economy and the way of life. Things that are urgent today become totally unnecessary tomorrow, so it takes much time and powers to keep in line. This constant wild race for new information, new welfare, and for being first leaves us no time for normal life, for going out with our friends, visiting the libraries, visiting our relatives, reading books, news papers, watching films, not only news. We have no time for all that, but we still have a desire to get it, so we’re looking for ways to get it with the minimal loss of time and maximal grant of pleasure. Modern science made it possible. Our dreams became true, we can buy books, films, cloth, visit different countries and our relatives, and reach our friend from the far away without leaving our flats, even without leaving our chairs. We have an Internet. With the help of internet we fill the emptiness inside us, we compensate the lack of communication and attention we need. Internet saves us from the loneliness we feel. We spend too much time working hardly so we have no strength for our pleasures. But we always have time and strength for internet, because it’s fun, informative and easy, it relaxes us. Therefore, it’s just a one side of the medal. With the lapse of time it becomes integral part of our life, you keep thinking about persons you met there, and you have no other connection with, and you’re dying to chat with them again. That’s how it starts. You may say its okay to care about someone, about your friends, and there’s nothing terrible they are just words at the contact list if behind them are real people, people you care about. Of course there’s nothing terrible, if it’s just like you say, but just for a minute try to think over, try to remember lust 6 months of your life. First you used internet to communicate with your friends because you were too exhausted to go out and had no time, but now, I bet, you missed a number of opportunities to go out with your friends in a favor of internet communication, don’t you? I also bet that first there were only those you know in real life at your contact list, and now the number of those hardly reaches 20%. Psychiatrists says that those who are not addict use internet only in order to find necessary information and keep in touch with their friends they knew before, but the addicts constantly surfing internet, without any important reason and multiplies the number of virtual friends they’ve never met in the real life, and never will. Thus, internet is very attractive for person as a way of escaping from the reality through the anonymous interactions, which gives an opportunity to express oneself without risk of being ridicule or misunderstood. It’s an opportunity to bring to life some fantasies and desires with a feedback, and, of course, unlimited access to the information, so called informational necrosadism (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/the_origin_of_internet_addiction. html). The term â€Å"addiction† is borrowed from psychologist’s lexicon, to stress that internet attachment is a problem; it’s not just a hobby or the way to spend time and communicate, and it’s a serious disorder of mind and psychic. Internet is very attractive for teenagers as it’s totally anonymous. Teenagers often have an inferiority complex because of their appearance or other criteria’s, and internet gives them an opportunity to find soul mates, someone to share their feelings and pain with. First it helps them not to feel lonely, but in time it turns them to hermit, and they lose their connection with real world, and may even become maniacs. Some scientists distinguish 5 types of Internet Addiction: Pornography Online games Online Gambling Online Shopping Chat rooms/Virtual dating addiction (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/types_of_internet_addiction. html). Over the past few decades, an immense industry for the production and consumption of pornography has grown, with the increasing use of the VCR, the DVD, and the Internet, as well as the emergence of social attitudes more tolerant of sexual portrayals. Performers in pornography are referred to as pornographic actors (or actresses), or the more commonly known title â€Å"porn star† and are generally seen as qualitatively different from their mainstream counterparts. Amateur pornography has become widely popular and generally distributed via the Internet for free (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pornography). The second addiction is online games. Online games is defined as a common cause if computer addiction. It is consist of multi-player games via the internet. This is where the player assumes a character in the game and plays against other people from all around the world. There are many internet games on the market and some of them have millions upon millions of players worldwide. The majority of the players involved enjoy just a casual game after school, work, or at weekends. A minority, however, have become so addicted, and alarmingly so, that they are spending upwards of 12 hours per day playing the game they are addicted to. Reports have come in that some people have been playing around the clock and not eating or sleeping for days and days because they do not want to leave the computer and the character they are pretending to be (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Moreover, the rising of Flash and Java led to an Internet revolution where websites could utilize streaming video, audio, and a whole new set of user interactivity. When Microsoft began packaging Flash as a pre-installed component of IE, the Internet began to shift from data/information spectrum to also offer on-demand entertainment. This revolution paved by the way for sites to offer games to web surfers. Some online multiplayer games like World of War craft, Final Fantasy XI and Lineage II charge a monthly fee to subscribe to their services, while games such as Guild Wars offer an alternative no monthly fee scheme. Many other sites relied on advertising revenues from on site sponsors, while others, like RuneScape, let people play for free while leaving the players the option of paying, unlocking new content for the members. After the dot-com bubble burst in 2001, many sites solely relying on advertising revenue dollars faced extreme adversity. Despite the decreasing profitability of online gaming websites, some sites have survived the fluctuating and market by offsetting the advertising revenue loss by using the content as a cross-promotion tool for driving web visitors to other websites that the company owns. The term online gaming in many circles is being strictly defined to describe games that do not involve wagering, although many still use the term online gaming synonymously with online gambling (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Online_game). The third one is, online Gambling. These are possibly the most damaging of all computer addictions. These millions of dollar a year businesses make their money by sucking addicts of their money. The thrill of possible winning by gambling is very real and has never been easier since the onset of online casinos and other forms of online gambling. Serious debts have been incurred by these computer addicts. Some have even lost everything, their family, homes, possessions, and even more extreme, their lives. There are organizations that specifically deal with this kind of computer addiction and they have helped many thousands of people to get rid of this damaging addiction and have been able to give advice on helping to pull their lives back together again (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). There are 4 types of Online gambling, these are, online casinos, online sports betting, online bingo and mobile gambling. There are a large number of online casinos, in which people can play casino games such as roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and many others. These games are played against the â€Å"house†, which makes money due to the fact that the odds are in its favor. Online Sports Betting, bookmakers, spread betting firms and betting exchanges offer a variety of ways to wager over the Internet on the results of sporting events, the most popular being fixed-odds gambling. Online bingo is the game of bingo played on the Internet. Global betting and Gaming consultants estimates the global gross gaming yield of bingo was $0. billion USD in 2006; they forecast it will grow to $1. 0 billion USD by 2010. Unlike balls used in regular bingo halls, online bingo sites use a random number generator. The online bingo play works almost exactly like playing online poker or online casino games with everything being virtual. Most bingo halls also offer links to online poker and casino offerings. One notable feature of online bingo is the chat functionality. Successful online bingo sites foster a sense of community and interaction between players. And lastly, mobile gambling, it refers to gambling done on a remote wirelessly connected device. These devices can include wireless tablet PC’s, mobile phones and other non traditional mid-level networked computing devices. Some online casinos and online poker card rooms offer mobile options. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Online_gambling). The Fourth internet addiction is online shopping, in this kind of addiction comes in the form of many kinds. There is the person who is addicted to buying items from the many online shops. Then there is the person who is addicted to auction type buying. Either one could put a person in debt in a matter of seconds. Just one click the mouse could take money from their credit card and rack up enormous debts. This type of addiction usually starts with small purchases and paying with their credit card. Many small purchases of this kind then add up to many thousands of dollars. The thrill of bidding on an item in an online auction and then overbidding just to win the item (which they may not really want anyway) does cause addiction. Once the item has been bid on and won, a contract has been entered into. A very easy addiction to get into but very hard to get out once the debt has set in (http://ezinearticles. om/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Furthermore, online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from merchants who sell on the Internet. Since the emergence of the World Wide Web, merchants have sought to sell their products to people who surf the Internet. Shoppers can visit web stores from the comfort of their homes and shop as they sit in front of the computer. Consumer s buy a variety of items from online stores. In fact, people can purchase just about anything from companies that provide their products online. Books, clothing, household appliances, toys, hardware, software, and health insurance are just some of the hundreds of products consumers can buy from an online store (http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-online-shopping. htm). (http://ezinearticles. com/? Types-of-Computer-Addiction&id=551846). Also, Virtual Dating Addiction is a disease of outsiders. One can’t find person with the same interests, passions or views in real life, among schoolmates, so he is looking for them at chats, forums, ICQ. On the one hand it’s normal, it helps not to become a self-contain hermit, but on the other hand person lose connection with the real life. He or she has no need in it anymore, one already have a true friends, who cares they’re just a letters and symbols if they are soul-mates, but in a few month we have the same problem – teenager becomes a hermit (http://www. thelanaddiction. com/types_of_internet_addiction. html). One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time when they are threatened with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes. Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue, declining grades or poor job performance, apathy, and racing thought. There may also be a decreased investment in social relationships and activities. A person may lie about how much time was spent online or deny that they have a problem. They may be irritable when offline, or angry toward anyone who questions their time on the Internet (http://www. minddisorders. com/Flu-Inv/Internet-addiction-disorder. html). Skipping meals. When you skip a meal just because you’re enjoying what you are doing in front of the computer, your body reacts with what I like to call â€Å"famine mode†. What I mean by that is that our internal workings tell us that we need food to survive, and if we don’t have it we must find it quickly. Even though we, ourselves, know that we can go at anytime of the day to get nutrients. Human nature hasn’t evolved in such a way that we don’t have primal human instincts and going too long without food makes us eat way too much at the next opportunity. Any food that we do eat, after skipping a meal, will be stored as fats so that in the even of another skipped meal (famine) we will be able to fall back on that stored fat for survival. The problem with this stored fat is that we never reach the point that we can burn it off, so it translates on the scales in excess weight. There are three major consequences of skipping a meal: Poor Performance, Foggy Head and Binging (calorie loading). However, stress is another contributor to people skipping meals. Stress hormones can actually stop the feeling of â€Å"hunger†. This doesn’t mean that your body isn’t starving for nutrients (http://www. inchesweightloss. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=85:skipping-meals-is-never-a-good-idea&catid=12:blog&Itemid=82). Working with computers can sometimes be stressful. And dealing with computer stress is really no different than dealing with any other type of stress in life. The more you understand and focus upon the underlying causes computer stress, the better you will fare in trying to cope with it. There are ten (10) common causes of computer related stress: Failing to Anticipate Problems Trying to Get by on the Cheap Failing to Ask for Help Failing to Relate to Stress as Feedback Trying to Cut Corners Unrealistic Expectations Beating Up On Yourself Unnecessarily Conflicts with Other People Failing to Do Your Homework and Compromising Your Own or Other’s Integrity http://stresscure. com/hrn/common. html). Stress symptoms commonly include a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion, as well as irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physiological reactions such as headache and elevated heart rate (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stress_(biology))) ). Backache is one of the most common ailments prevalent today. Sedentary living habits, hazardous work patterns and psychological conditions associated with emotional stress, which bring about spasm of the muscles, cause backaches. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load. In most cases of backache, the pain is usually felt either in the middle of the back or lower down. It may spread to both sides of the waist and the hips. In a condition of acute pain, the patient is unable to move and is bedridden. About 90% of backache patients suffer from what is called cervical and lumbar spondylosis. It is a degenerative disorder in which the different vertebrae adhere to each other through bony unions. As a result of this, the spine loses its flexibility (http://www. ome-remedies-for-you. com/remedy/Backache. html). On the other hand, Internet Dependency is also one of the signs or symptoms of being an internet addict. Internet Dependency is a term for excessive use of the Internet to the detriment of one’s physical, psychological, social, or vocational well- being. The majority of Americans and virtually all college stud ents now use the Internet as a source of information and entertainment on at least an occasional basis. Most use it on a regular basis without becoming dependent upon it. However, for some, involvement on the internet begins to have serious, negative consequences. When such consequences are minimized or ignored while Internet use increases, Internet dependency is occurring. Excessive Internet use may revolve around chat rooms, pornography; database searches; blogging; gambling; gaming; shopping; or any number of other online activities. As of 2005, it is estimated that 6% of users are Internet dependent. Being too dependent on the internet may also lead us to Tolerance, Withdrawal and Compulsive Use of Internet that may harm ourselves (http://www. villanova. edu/studentlife/counselingcenter/infosheets/psych_topics. htm? page=internet_depend. tm). Withdrawal can refer to any sort of separation, but is most commonly used to describe the group of symptoms that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake of medications, recreational drugs, and/or alcohol or not in front of the computer. The individual feels very uncomfortable, obnoxious or irritable if not engaged in the behavior after sometime. Compulsi ve Use or Craving. The individual feels a strong compelling need or urge to engage in the behavior, and thereafter plans for the next opportunity to perform the behavior. About 25% of the people in the world are active Internet users. More than 100 million Facebook users log on at least once per day. Nine blogs are created each minute. As advancements in Internet technology continue to make the world smaller and smaller, new users are plugging into the Net at an unbelievable pace. But what happens when these users are logging too often? Where do you draw the line between harmless and harmful? Many experts today are asking these questions about Internet usage. The internet can be a valuable tool for accessing information, making connections, and maintaining relationships. People all over the world use their cell phones, laptops, and home computers to access the Internet and branch out in all directions on the information superhighway. But for some, one wrong turn changes the Internet from a mode of communication to a medium of compulsion. Of course, this process seems a little extreme for the everyday Internet user. But think about it: have you ever felt that nagging urge to check your email or Facebook on your iPhone right after you checked it on your laptop? Does receiving a new e-mail or stumbling upon a new website put a smile on your face? Sometimes simple daily pleasure like hese can slowly lead to serious compulsive behaviors (http://neuroanthropology. net/2009/05/28/caught-in-the-net-the-internet-compulsion/). Along with all the positive influence of the Internet, there will always be some negative effects on it. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or median neuropathy is a painful progressive condition caused by compression of a key nerve in the wrist. It occurs when the median nerve, which runs from the forearm into the hand, becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. Symptoms usually start gradually, with pain, weakness, or numbness in the hand and wrist, radiating up the arm. As symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during the day, decreased grip strength may make it difficult to form a fist, grasp small objects, or perform other manual tasks. In some cases no direct cause of the syndrome can be identified. Most likely the disorder is due to a congenital predisposition – the carpal tunnel is simply smaller in some people than in others. However, the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome especially, common in those performing assembly line work (http://www. ninds. nih. gov/disorders/carpal_tunnel/carpal_tunnel. htm). Dry Eyes Syndrome is a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture in the eye. Its consequences range from subtle but constant irritation to ocular inflammation of the anterior (front) tissues of the eye. Dry eyes also are described by the medical term, keratitis sicca, which generally means decreased quality or quantity of tears. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca refers to eye dryness affecting the cornea and conjunctiva (http://www. allaboutvision. com/conditions/dryeye. htm). Migraine Headache is a form of vascular headache. Migraine headache is caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that causes the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the arteries magnifies the pain. Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body. The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress and pain, the so-called â€Å"fight or flight† response, and this activation causes many of the symptoms