Friday, May 8, 2020

Ethics Course Papers on Ethical Dilemma With Big Data and Privacy Policy

Ethics Course Papers on Ethical Dilemma With Big Data and Privacy PolicyWith all the scandals surrounding unethical behavior in the workplace, it is no wonder that students are now considering taking ethics classes as a major. Here is a term paper to look at when your students bring up the topic. They may need this as a self-study course when it comes to ethics.Big Data Ethics - One idea for a class involves exploring the ethical issues raised by the power of big data. The concept of big data is pervasive in society today. You can imagine your health care provider storing a patient's medical information in a file cabinet or computer. Or the publisher of a magazine for storing data on its readers' preferences in a file cabinet. Even the college student who wants to research his own university's ethics policies stored in his laptop.Because technology is now so widespread, there are many more interesting ways to explore ethical dilemmas and term papers on ethical dilemma with big data a nd privacy policy might focus on ethics of big data. This is because everyone has become a part of the big data generation - health care providers, editors, students, marketers, book publishers, retailers, and everyone else in the corporate world, whose actions are analyzed by computers.How should you handle the ethics of the spread of big data? How can you know where to draw the line between the proper use of the information and invasion of privacy?One way to address these issues is through a one-credit ethics course. A book, for example, called 'The Anatomy of Privacy' by Ronald Hall offers some sound advice for students planning to take an ethics course. In particular, he suggests avoiding the temptation to delve into highly specific cases and recommendations from specific cases.One example is the case of a male student who had been sexually abused by his teacher. The student felt that the teacher should be prosecuted and the abuser punished. But, in response to this case, Hall e xplains that most good ethical decision-making involves judgment calls about how to act and not any particular case studies.Sometimes students will be curious about how to handle the ethics of big data. They will want to know how and why certain decisions were made in certain situations. That is an important consideration for ethics course work.One of the best examples is when Big Data should be analyzed and how it should be used. Technology, like privacy, is a good tool, but sometimes it can be misused or abused. And students can certainly think about using such technology ethically.

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